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Vote, vote, vote

We are living through history...again. 

On July 21, the nation witnessed a historic update in the 2024 presidential race as Joe Biden dropped out and passed the baton to his Vice President, Kamala Harris. In his public address to the nation, which took place three days after he concluded his campaign, he signaled to the generations after him to make their mark on the world, saying, "one of the most powerful voices we hear in the country today is from our young people."

Vice President Kamala Harris campaigning in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on July 18 (Source: Reuters/Kevin Mohatt).

This moment is monumental for several reasons, considering the U.S. is now in uncharted territory — a cultural and political crossroads involving race, gender, and power dynamics. The nomination of Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is prompting many to reaffirm the importance of voting, the strength of female leadership, and the force of unity as people come together to defeat a candidate who threatens the very existence of democracy in this country.

Politics, and the idea of a democratic republic, have been two of the backbones of American culture since the beginning of its existence, but with its history comes a legacy largely controlled by white men: a legacy that still continues today. The recent change in the presidential race is prompting questions like, Is America ready for a female president?, or, Can a woman of color lead this country?

The answers: yes, and yes.

The idea of a female president, especially to a population that knows nothing other than male presidents, can be jarring, but it certainly doesn't have to be. In fact, when we dissect American history and explore the infrastructure and social systems put in place in our society like war, the very flawed justice system, or institutional racism, they have all been created by men. The structures of power in the U.S. have been overwhelmingly male, and that continues to be the case in higher positions of power like a presidency. But now is a time for change.

Voting is our right as citizens of this country, our privilege as Americans, and our responsibility to be the voices of change in our communities. BySabrina implores everyone to be mindful and purposeful, and what better way to be both of those things than in the ballot box as we make the important decision of who will be our president? As citizens, we have a crucial decision to make: a decision that could mean the difference between democracy and dictatorship, or freedom and oppression. Let's encourage our communities to make the right one.

And remember: Be Mindful of your impact when you vote, Be Purposeful as you cast your ballot, and Be Positive that a woman of color can lead our country to success.


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